Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Thanks Randy!

And so it has happened. Randy Pausch died a few days ago. He was a Carnegie Mellon professor who had cancer. You can go on UTUBE and enjoy his last lecture--it is inspirational. Randy left a lasting legacy. You can purchase his book--I have it. Yes, I will share it.

It is one of those books that you should read and make notes of the pages that you want to go back later and reread. Randy talks about Coach Graham on pages 36/37. Coach had a great way of looking at football.

There are many other passages in the book. Perhaps none more important than page 164 with the title of "Get in Touch With Your Crayon Box".

The newspaper article about Randy said that he inspired millions, and I believe that to be true. But he also taught so many about being the "first penguin", "brick walls", and boxes of crayons.
Thanks Randy!

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