Saturday, September 16, 2006


Our deepest wounds

Our deepest wounds--integrated---becomes one's greatest power.

Perhaps this is another way of saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

When we are wounded, we must take time to heal.

We can choose to use our deepest wound to help others heal, may you choose to do that. It isn't easy.

Our deepest wounds, integrated, becomes ones greatest power--is more sophisticated than saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade".

On Sunday, September the 17th, 6 years ago, I suffered my deepest wound. My son Dennis chose to stop living. I contact others who have been wounded and tell them they too can survive. I feel I have integrated my wound, and use I its power to help others.

Thanks you God for your help--I know that you know about dying sons--and healing wounds.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


What I wrote and how I felt on 9-11-01

As I picked up my journal today I couldn't remember what exactly I had written on 9-11 about that terrible day. Here is what I found:

Our world is full of symbols. The World Trade Center building--twin towers-over one thousand ft. high--symbols of freedom, prosperity, power, all the things that made America great--collapsed in a cloud of dust--terrorists hijacked 2 planes and flew them into the towers--in a few short minutes the safety of all Americans was stolen.

America will never be the same. America will never forget.

Yet in times like these there arises from the ashes of destruction, a people with great courage and perseverance--who will not allow the hate of a few to destroy the work of so many.

I have seen more signs that say "God bless America" in the past 2 days than the past 2 years.

When history records this terrible tragedy it will record our response of unity and purpose.

Those are the words I wrote regarding 9-11. I can remember feeling fear and despair. The world seemed to be filled with death and destruction--death was everywhere. I wasn't sure that America would survive.

Because 9-11 happened a few days less than a year after my son Dennis took his life, 9-11 was just one more event that added to my pain. I understood--somewhat how the people who lost their loved ones would feel. The emotional damage and destruction would last longer than any damage and destruction in New York City.

The lessons of 9-11-01 are this. Death happens to people when it shouldn't. The people are usually loved by people like us. The work of grief must be done or one can't go on. Grief work is not easy. Some have done that work, others have not. My prayer is that individually and collective Americans will realize how fragile life really is---without another individual loss--or another 9-11!

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Joy and Laughter

There is joy and laughter in life. After a tragedy or a big unexpected or unwanted change, sadness and crying is the order of the day. However, there will be joy and laughter again. It may take awhile but it is your future. Laughing is good for you, both emotionally and physically.

How long has it been since you laughed out loud? Not just a smile or a snicker but a throw your head back and let the laughter roll.

A brother-in-Christ of mine who is fighting liver cancer was asked recently what encouraged him the most. Was it visits, card, phone calls, or something else? His replay? He loved the funny cards. The funny cards lift his spirits.

While dealing with the loss of my son, I had a friend at work that would about once a week send me a funny story or joke. I could only manage a smile sometimes, but it felt good. For just a moment the pain was not the focus of my life.

Someone once suggested that emotionally in order to have joy and laughter we had to have sadness and crying. Right now you may feel like it's an unfair trade. Later on I think you will change your mind like I did.

Perhaps right now the last thing on your mind is joy and laughter. However, always remember that joy and laughter is in your future. I promise it will be. Joy and laughter in now a part of my life. It will be a part of yours also.

Say, did hear the joke about the minister, the zoo keeper, and the insurance salesman? Well, it goes like this----

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