Saturday, May 31, 2008


Karma and China

In trying to answer the age-old question of why bad things happen to people, Sharon Stone stepped on her tongue. She mentioned that perhaps the reason for the earth quake in China was the mistreatment of the Tibetans and monks by the Chinese government.

The problem with this view is that the children who died were not the ones who were mistreating the Tibetans. This is the disconnect for many people. Numerous children being killed to punish leaders who are still living well. Does this make sense?

In response the Chinese are considering not showing any of her films. This involves a very large audience and Sharon will probably rethink her comment.

Celebrities are known for their problematic comments but I don't think anyone puts much confidence in their insight and wisdom. In most cases, including this one, it is best to leave much unsaid when it involves trying to surmise why bad things happen to innocent people.

If you are looking for a thought provoking book on this topic I would suggest the one by Harold Kushner entitled "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". Notice the "When" in the title and not the "Why".

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