Saturday, April 21, 2007


Why? I don't know. Be wary.

All over America people are asking why the tragedy at V.T. happened. I don't know.

For the people who support gun rights, they will say every student should be armed. For the people who think guns kill people, they will want guns to be harder to get. People will say that V.T. didn't do enough. They will say that the police didn't react fast enough.

Most will search for easy answers. There are none. I certainly don't know any.

Here is what I know. Be wary of people who claim to know. Be wary of those who have an agenda. Be wary of those who talk the loudest, who are very confident in their answer. Be wary of those people who see the answer as easy. All of those people are usually wrong--very wrong!

Here is something you can do, should come into contact with a person who has lost their loved one to violence. Here is what to say. "Tell me about your son or daughter and their hopes and dreams. What made him/her laugh, and what was he/she like as a child? How can I lift you and your family up in prayer so you may feel added strength to get through this terrible time? "

Then listen. That is all I know.

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