Saturday, December 23, 2006


Call me Rain Forest

The ability to laugh is something that can be lost when one is grieving. A couple of days ago I was watching TV and heard something silly and laughed out loud. The situation was a TV show called "The District" and Jack Manion (the chief of police) said to someone, "That he was a cross between Forest Gump and Rain Man, just call him Rain Forest”. Dumb humor--I know--but that is the kind I like.

The ability to laugh is a precious thing. When grief enters one's life, laughter leaves, and sometimes one can feel bad or even guilty for smiling let alone laughing.

You will laugh again, don't give up hope. What you once thought as being funny will be funny again. Your sense of humor will return. Trust me, mine has. Just give it time. Merry Christmas!

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