Saturday, November 04, 2006


Last Words

Wouldn't it be great if every one got to say goodbye? It would be helpful to have the opportunity to say, "I love you, and you have meant so much to me, I will never be the same."

But alas, death is sometimes sudden and unpredictable and some people pass quickly.

Some years ago a woman came to my support group and felt guilty because she had not been with her husband when he died so that the last words he had heard were I love you. This was a woman who spent 18 hours a day at her husband's side for many months taking care of him--a person who demonstrated her love in countless ways.

On the Friday night before the Saturday night/Sunday morning my son took his life I was fortunate to have called him and ours last words were I love you. I don't know if that makes it easier, since dealing with suicide is so hard, but perhaps it helps.

So if your last words were not I love you or terms of endearment to your special person, do a very loving thing for yourself. Do something that probably your loved one would want you to do--and perhaps would say to you if he/she had the chance to say some last words. "I forgive you and I love you."

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