Saturday, August 19, 2006


Sorry for the Landis & Witt Family

The headline read, "Landis Father-in-law Found Dead From Suicide". I don't know any of the personal details of why David Witt decided life was not worth living. I don't know if it had to do with races or drugs. I just feel sorry for the Landis and Witt family and remember the pain I felt in September of 2000 when my son took his life.

As in most suicides there are usually many unanswered questions:

1. Why?
2. Why didn't I see this coming?
3. Why my family?
4. What could I (we) have done differently?
5. What do I do now?

The answer to why is perhaps the most difficult question. Based on the Biomedical model of medicine the answer would probably be brain chemistry.

If we talk to the Sociologist we get a different answer, but neither answer is very satisfying.

If we talk to the psychologist we will hear about causal factors and triggers. These probably helped me the most.

However, I did come to my own conclusion about people who take their life. I think it answers about 90% of why people take their life. I believe the 3 factors listed below separate those who take their life from you and me:

1. Unbearable pain-the pain may be physical or emotional, or both--but it is too much for them to bear.

2. Unreachable hope--they have no hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

3. Unattainable help--he/she feels beyond help. Even if they were to contact someone, anyone, they couldn't help.

I don't know the Landis or Witt Family at all. But I have walked down that lonely path they are taking. I'm thankful for 3 things:

I'm just glad I could bear the pain. There were times when I wondered if I could!

I found hope in God, family, and friends--thanks to all of you who were there for me!

And I'm glad I had an 800 number to call for help and I went to see Dr. Tom--and he listened. And I'm thankful for Eve who had her support group.

It is my prayer that the Landis and the Witt family will find these same 3 things to be thankful for in 5 years, 11 months, and 29 days--but whose counting?

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