Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today is "D" Day

No, I'm not referring to June 6th, 1994, the Allied forces and the invasion of Normandy.

Today is my "D" day. This is the day my son decided that life was not worth living and acted on that decision. It has been nine years since that happened. I am OK. I'm not the same person I was 9 years ago, but I am an OK person. Since his name is Dennis I call this my "D" day.

Today is much easier than the first or second "D" day, or even the third. During the first year, or perhaps two, grief and heartache surrounded me like a cloud. It was there where ever I turned. But there was a weight to my sorrow also, it felt like a giant anchor. I could literally feel it resting on me, on my chest, weighing me down.

I sought both individual and group counseling and it helped as much as anything can. Thank you Dr. Tom and Evelyn! I don't think I could have survived without you, and I'm glad I didn't have to find out.

Soooooooooooo, if your heart is heavy today because of loss and sorrow, I hope that you will take comfort in the fact I survived, and knowing that you will too. YOU WILL, even though you may not be able to see through the dark cloud or you feel like your legs will give way under the weight. Just take one step at a time, don't worry about tomorrow, today is more than enough to deal with.

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