Friday, July 31, 2009


If you were God, what would you do?

If I was God I would do so many things:

1. No child would go hungry

2. People would stop hating and killing each other

3. People's cell phones would stop working anytime they used them in their car

4. Cars with loud radios would not work within two blocks of my house

5. Children would never die before their parents

6. People would like Sarah Palin

7. All old people would feel loved

8. Whoopi and Joy on the View would lose their voice any time they tried to talk on the show

9. Bill O'Reilly would become very humble instead of an arrogant know-it-all

10. I would become very relaxed and very patient, so that all the previous items would not bother me

What would you do if you were God?
Think about it and let me know.

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