Sunday, March 23, 2008


Dying Inside

You could see it in the face of Silda Wall Spitzer, the wife of Elliot Spitzer. She was dying inside and would like to be anywhere but where she was. Instead of being on the arm of a powerful man she was facing the consequences of her husband's bad choices. I feel sorry for her, and their daughters.

Life is like that sometimes. It doesn't matter whether you are a Harvard grad or dropped out of high school. Life isn't fair.

Why did Elliot do what he did? There are all kinds of explanations: Because he could. He is a man, and men do those kinds of things. He thought he was above the law. She didn't satisfy him. He was bored. Evolution.

We may never know. There is no excuse, just pain and broken trust.

Could there be another reason? Is it possible that he was and is a sex addict? That he should have sought treatment but didn't? That he couldn't help himself? NO, I'm not justifying his behavior. There are no excuses. Only pain!

Perhaps it will be the best thing that happens to him. Time will tell.

I wonder what Mother's day will be like in the Spitzer house this year. Very sad I'm sure.

I wonder if the situation was reversed and it was a high profile woman who had been unfaithful, what would the views be?

My hope is that somehow the family will find peace--it won't be easy! But then again, we are all survivors. Peace.

Saturday, March 01, 2008


I went to an AA Meeting

I went to an AA meeting a couple of weeks ago. NO, I don't have a drinking problem. I have lots of problems but drinking to excess is not one of them. Attending the meeting was an assignment from the masters program I am in. The class is about counseling people with addictions. The teacher asks all the students to attend an AA meeting and then write about it.

I was impressed. I'm not sure what I expected but I can see where AA would provide acceptance and support. This meeting had a spiritual flavor to it and I can think of few church services I have felt closer to God at than this meeting.

The speaker told of her battle with addiction. She indicated she had been sober since 1984. I was very impressed with her honesty and with her humbleness.

If you have a drinking problem, I hope you attend an AA meeting. I would highly recommend it. May it be a place where you being to find love, acceptance, and peace. Especially peace.

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